Meet Calloway!   Calloway is approximately 4 years old, a Doberman/Boxer mix who came to the Chilliwack SPCA  from up North through their “Drives for Lives” program.

Calloway  can be quite timid with new people, especially men and new situations, but quickly becomes your best friend with confident reassurance and slow introductions.

Calloway loves to climb into laps and snuggle even though he is a large size dog!  This handsome boy still needs some training on leash walking and we recommend a harness for this.

At this time Calloway is currently on a hypo diet, we are unsure at this time if he will need to continue this throughout his life or if he will be able to be switched to a regular, high quality food at a later date.

Calloway loves being around other dogs, however he has not learned boundaries yet with them and tends to play rough.

Please contact the Chilliwack SPCA if you’d like to meet/adopt Calloway. 604-823-6612

Filed under: adopt, adoption, dog, pet, spca