fraser healthFraser Health and the Chilliwack Hospice Society are teaming up to promote advance care planning this Thursday.

Cari Borenko-Hoffmann from Fraser Health says advance care planning helps you map out now what kind of care you’d like in the future if a time comes when you can’t speak for yourself.

“If you have a particular medical illness, a disease of any kind, to make sure that you’re getting really good information from your doctor in terms of what kind of medical interventions or decisions might you have to make down the road.”

Borenko-Hoffmann says it can be an uncomfortable topic for many, but says it’s important to think about, and says it can bring security to you and your family.

“Not that you’re necessarily deciding today on particular interventions, but just that you’re better prepared. And then obviously gathering information, thinking about it, and talking with your family and your friends. And then if you’re unable to make your own decisions at the time, then your family and friends have a point of reference for how you would want them to procede on your behalf.”

On Thursday volunteers from the Chilliwack Hospice Society will be handing out information and talking about advance care planning at the Thrifty Boutique.