breaking bad

Did you miss your favourite show over the weekend? Worried about seeing spoilers?

I was a huge fan of Breaking Bad, but I got on the band wagon late, so I had to avoid spoilers! Here are some tips I used!

Number 1 (obvious) Stay off social media! People will always be posting spoilers there, maybe just stop following a certain account for that time so it doesn’t show up on your news feed!

Number 2 Catch up as soon as you can! I mean if this is something you watch every week, you’re going to want to talk about it with people eventually. So the sooner you watch it, the better for you, and everyone else who just wants to discuss it!

Number 3 Be honest with yourself. If you are behind on something, a few weeks, or even a couple of seasons, it is going to be hard not to have any spoilers, unless you just hole up in your room/home and avoid anything and everything!

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