Chilliwack-logo-e1303317733728It’s not exactly light reading, but if you want to find out exactly what it is that the City of Chilliwack does all year with your taxpayer money, it’s all in the annual report that was presented to Council on Tuesday.
Mayor Sharon Gaetz says they’ve had good feedback on the report in previous years.

“People are really surprised to know how much the city actually does and what our responsibility is as a level of government.  I think that if they go through this in any detail, they’ll come to learn that if the city shut down for a day, they would soon notice it.”

She says the report highlights major projects from 2014, and also talks about what they’re doing currently, including work downtown and improvements underway on Prest Rd.

The report has detailed information on everything from the City’s finances to tourism, governance, public safety, and even the updated population, which by the way is 85,975 as of December 31st of last year.

You can view a PDF version of the full report HERE