rcmp-cruiser3-637x429(Press Release) RCMP serving Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz, Harrison Hot Springs, and Boston Bar are changing how they respond to false alarms.  Effective September 1, 2015 property alarms must be verified before police will take action.

Police are defining a ‘verified alarm’ as one that has been confirmed by a property representative, key holder, witness or verification by two-way voice communication, video monitoring, multi-zone, or glass break activation. 

“We are making the public aware of our change in policy which will place more of an onus on alarm owners to be responsible for the maintenance and operation of their systems” said Cpl. Mike Rail.

Police will continue to respond to all monitored panic and medical alarms.

“From the beginning of 2015 police have responded to over 1,400 false alarm complaints in the UFVRD taking us away from higher priority investigations” says Cpl. Mike Rail, “and the change provides better utilization of our resources”.

Here are some tips to help avoid a false alarm:


  • ·         Have your alarm tested and serviced on a regular basis.
  • ·         Have your alarm monitored by video or voice.
  • ·         Know how to operate your alarm system.
  • ·         Ensure property representatives are available.