
Chilliwack has always been a community that steps up to help its own in a time of need. And now is one of those times.

A local family restaurant, Marty’s Grill on Vedder Rd, is in crisis mode at the moment. The owner, Marty Rasberry, was rushed to hospital last week and is currently in intensive care on a respirator. He’s the only one with signing authority, and can’t speak right now, so his children are running the restaurant but can’t pay the staff because the bank accounts are frozen. Scott McVetty says Cash Mob Chilliwack is being resurrected this weekend to try and help the family out.

“The idea is to fill the restaurant and have lots of people there so there might be some line ups but that’s part of it.  Cash Mob has always been about meeting new people so if you are standing in line waiting for your food, mingle.  Meet the people next to you and build community…that’s what it’s all about.”

He says Marty’s daughter Penny has told him they’re prepared to do take-out as well as in house service, and they will have a “Cash Mob Special” this weekend; a burger, fries and a drink for $10, but because of the bank issues, they can only take cash.

A friend of the family, Donna Pascoe, has set up a GoFundMe page which explains the current situation and states that the goal is to raise $5,000 to cover costs.  In the meantime, the family is seeking legal advice regarding the signing authority issue, as doctors have told them Marty may not survive, and there is no will in place.

Doors at Marty’s will open at 11am both Friday and Saturday.