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This isn’t a new idea. In fact, the points below are from a blog posted in 2013. It is something we, as parents, need to remember and share. Sports should be about fun, teamwork, exercise and learning…among other things.  Here’s a quick recap of the 10 points from the blog linked below: 

• Thou shall love your child no matter what.
• Thou shall let the coach do his/her job.
• Thou shall let your child have fun.
• Thou shall be realistic about your child’s abilities.
• Thou shall volunteer.
• Thou shall not relive your athletic life through your child.
• Thou shall not compare your child’s abilities or attitudes with anyone else’s.
• Thou shall be grateful.
• Thou shall support the whole team.
• Thou shall see the big picture.

See the full blog, here.