source: lisa stevens, rogers media
source: lisa stevens, rogers media

Let’s make #readHappy a trending hashtag today. Pharrell Williams is teaming up with a non profit literacy organization and his publisher to provide up to 50,000 books to underpriviledged children. It doesn’t get any easier than this. Go online, write a tweet that includes #readHappy and a thought about why reading makes you happy.

I have loved reading for what seems like forever. So much so, that as teenager my mother used to worry I wasn’t active enough. I was often found curled up like a cat in our old armchair with a good book for hours on end. As seen above, we started that early with my kiddo as well. This was a family favourite for years…and we had to keep it even as we moved on to chapter books. I am happy to report that my youngster is following in my footsteps…getting reprimanded for reading too late at night instead of going to sleep on time. A good problem to have in my opinion.

Are you with me? Let’s trend #readHappy today!