
This Saturday marks the start of this year’s Fire Prevention Week. Lisa Axelson with the Chilliwack Fire Department says the initiative has definitely led to heightened awareness…she says it’s evident in the schools they visit.

“Ten years ago when I asked children if they did a fire safety plan or a drill at home, I would get nobody.  And now, when I talk to kids in Grades 1-3, I get at least one child per class….in one class this year we had about seven kids put up their hands and say they regularly practiced fire safety drills at home.”

This year’s theme is “Hear the Beep where you Sleep”, encouraging people to have an alarm within earshot of your bed. There are 3 big events this Saturday….a fire safety fair at Canadian Tire (10-2) complete with fire trucks and displays, a kids craft event at Home Depot (10-2) where the kids will build a fire truck, and an open house (10-2) at the Yarrow Firehall.

Axelson says they’re hoping families will come to the events on Saturday and learn about fire safety plans, and then they can practice in advance of the Community Fire Drill next Wednesday.