The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce put out a survey to the federal election candidates in the Abbotsford and Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon ridings.  There are 5 questions and here are the candidates responses:


There are 300,000 people and $50 billion worth of development on the flood plain of the Lower Fraser River.
The river poses a substantial threat to this key economic region. Historically there have been devastating
floods from the spring freshet of the river. In addition, with rising sea levels there is a growing threat of
winter storm surges that already could overtop the very extensive dyking system along the tidal part of the
river and adjacent coastal reaches. There is an urgent need to revitalize the dikes and increase their height to
protect the tidal areas of the river in Greater Vancouver and the upstream agricultural land, First Nations and
urban communities vulnerable to the annual spring flood threat. The often conflicting interests of levels of
senior government, multiple jurisdictions and a multitude of regulating bodies has created an unworkable
situation. What would be your vision for a multi stakeholder task force to address flood management, and who would
bear the costs of the formation of the task force?

Fast, Ed – Conservative Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The issue of flooding in the Lower Fraser River region is a legitimate concern, one that has been raised by numerous stakeholders over the years. The historic New Building Canada Fund, which was announced by our government last year, provides for $53 billion of provincial, regional and local infrastructure investments over the next 10 years. Qualified investments include disaster mitigation efforts identified as priorities by local and regional communities. Once the City of Abbotsford, Fraser Valley Regional District and Province of BC have confirmed
flood mitigation as their priority investment, I would envision that consultations would expand to include agricultural and industrial stakeholders and First Nations. As all three levels of government have a vested interest in protecting Abbotsford against flood threats, I would expect costs related to planning flood mitigation projects to be shared by all three levels of government.

Fowler, Stephen – Green Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

As the effects of Climate Change become more persistent and frequent globally, it is predictable that Canada will endure more “natural” disasters. Our West Coast is vulnerable to a variety of disasters including flooding due to spring melts and sea level rise. The Green Party supports the expeditious development of a National Strategy for Disaster Preparedness. This strategy will be developed by the multi-governmental level “Council of Canadian Governments.” The council will aid the federal government in making much larger and effective investments in public safety measures in a range of areas, including, but not limited to, the protection of our coasts, our transportation systems and emergency preparedness on First Nations territories.
There are 3 goals:
1) promotion of a national response to law and emergency issues
2) framework for national cooperation and shared strategic direction
3) to encourage and share best policy and emergency management practice

Martel, Jen – NDP Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

In an ongoing effort to ensure the safety of human lives, personal and public property, livestock and crops, the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) has a flood committee that has been working with the Fraser Basin Council and First Nations along the Fraser River. The federal government will need to come to the table to help fund solutions. The NDP has proposed a gas tax transfer which can be utilized to help finance the necessary safety improvements that will protect lives and properties.

Mackay, David – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response

Njenga, Peter – Liberal Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response
Adamson, Dennis – NDP Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Having been an Electoral Director for the past 7 years, I have had firsthand experience with this issue. I am aware that the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) has a flood committee that has been working with the Fraser Basin Council and the First Nations along the Fraser River, so there is already a wealth of knowledge for solutions that can be mined. The problem is that the Harper government has been unwilling to fund the much-needed solutions. The gas tax transfer proposed by Tom Mulcair can be utilized to help finance the necessary safety improvements that will protect lives and properties.

Green, Arthur – Green Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Historically the Fraser has flooded often. The last time was 1948 and a wakeup call after all the unmaintained dykes collapsed. Since then the Municipalities have taken the responsibility unto themselves, with financial help coming from both the Fed. & Prov. Gov’s. Most Municipalities have a flood control component to their Municipal Gov’s.
Not unlike any other component to Gov., they have found that their needs have changed as time goes on. Ironically, as global warming increases our flood control demands, change as well. With ever decreasing snow packs and rising sea levels, storm surges will become more of a problem compared to spring freshets. As dyking has become basically adequate in the upper valley, this puts more pressure on the lower valley. Mix in storm and tidal surges and our problem becomes more intense in higher population areas. The Fed. & Prov. Gov’s. must step up to the plate with extended funding. We would suggest funding of 40% from Fed & Prov, 20% local.

Scott, Wyatt – Independent Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

In the end, safety is the most important issue surrounding the dike system. We might never get a Hurricane Katrina, but neither do we want to be overwhelmed in the event of a similar disaster. The federal government would bear the cost of cleanup of such an event, and so it is in the federal best interest to fund a task force to address flood management. The task force must include all levels of government from municipal through federal, as well as the affected First Nations. Economic as well as environmental assessments should be carried out, and of course we must look at other regions facing similar situations for the best and most efficient methods of flood management.

Sidhu, Jati – Liberal Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

We have the single most ambitious infrastructure renewal plan in Canadian history, which will include collaborating with all stakeholders and levels of government to address conflicting interests. It will:
Nearly double federal infrastructure investment to almost $125 billion from the current $65 billion over the next decade, reaching an additional $9.5 billion by year ten; Make an immediate down payment to kick-start job creation and economic growth by doubling the current federal infrastructure investment in each of the next two fiscal years;
Provide new, dedicated funding to provinces, territories, and municipalities for:
-Public transit infrastructure,
-Social infrastructure including affordable housing and seniors facilities, early learning and child care, and cultural and recreational infrastructure,
-Green infrastructure including local and wastewater facilities, climate resilient infrastructure, and clean energy

Vis, Brad – Conservative Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Budget 2014 earmarked $200 million over five years to establish the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) as part of the Government’s commitment to build safer and more resilient communities. The NDMP will address rising flood risks and costs, and build the foundation for informed mitigation investments that could reduce, or even negate, the effects of flood events in the future. Additionally, the historic New Building Canada Fund (further details provided in Q2), expressly provides for municipalities to identify disaster mitigation as a local priority for eligible funding. I commit to working with Fraser Valley stakeholders (including industry, local and provincial governments, First Nations and the Fraser Basin Council) to identify local priorities for such support and will actively advocate for such projects to be funded.

Wismer, Elaine – Marxist Leninist Candidate Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

This is one of three questions that recognize a need for co-operation amongst different bodies.
Flooding in the Fraser Valley is a perpetual worry and often a serious problem. There is a need for broader recognition of the necessity to put human needs ahead of other considerations. MLPC puts human needs in first place, and uses its media to draw attention to problems and their needs for solution, and stands for the Canadian people taking the initiative to apply their creative imagination and energy to problem
solving. All levels of government should take responsibility for problems such as flood management. They should make such matters their first priority, and civil authority should not be eroded so that government departments cannot perform their functions.



Will you and your party commit to providing municipalities with a source of additional, sustainable and
permanent infrastructure funding that grows with the economy? If so, how do you propose to provide that
funding and when will such a plan be implemented?

Fast, Ed – Conservative Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

It was our Conservative government that responded to the 2008-09 global economic crisis by successfully delivering the largest infrastructure investment ($33 billion) in Canada’s history. In 2014, we followed that up with an even larger local, regional and provincial infrastructure investment ($80 billion) over the next ten years. We doubled the gas tax fund which gets paid to municipalities and made it permanent. What is just as important, we are delivering these historic infrastructure investments within a balanced federal budget and will not have to run
deficits to achieve this. Examples of our support for Abbotsford’s infrastructure needs include the McCallum Rd. and Clearbrook Rd. interchanges, expansion of the Abbotsford Airport, Mill Lake Spray Park, Mission Bridge improvements, JAMES sewage treatment plant and Abbotsford’s trail systems. I am also working to support a federal investment into an expanded Vye Rd. overpass project.

Fowler, Stephen – Green Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The Green Party is committed to immediate solid long-term funding to confront the massive national infrastructure deficit, while upgrading to newer, greener technologies. The funding will be provided through several mechanisms.
The Green Party will commit one point of the GST, roughly $6.5 billion, to municipal needs. These funds will be directly granted to municipalities without the tri-level government sharing of the past.
The Green Party will maintain the gas tax revenue transfer and proposes creation of RRSP tax treatment for investments made in municipal bonds.
The Green Party will immediately fund $3 billion for expanded programs in areas of six key infrastructure:
1) Community toxic field rehabilitation
2) Water and waste water treatment
3) Community cultural amenities
4) Public Transit
5) Pedestrian and Bicycle promotion
6) Community Housing
The Green Party favours an Infrastructure Bank to offer low interest loans to municipalities

Martel, Jen – NDP Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The middle class is strengthened when the cities in which they live are strengthened. The NDP has a plan to help families get ahead by helping communities fix roads and bridges by transferring an extra cent of the existing gas tax to municipalities. Tom Mulcair has also stated he will shorten commute times by partnering with cities on a better transit plan, creating 31,000 good jobs in the process. I will be working with Tom to implement this vision and ensure that municipalities can flourish.

Mackay, David – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response

Njenga, Peter – Liberal Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response
Adamson, Dennis, NDP Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Tom Mulcair has a concrete plan to strengthen the middle class and help families get ahead by strengthening the cities and communities they live in. As Prime Minister, Tom will help communities fix roads and bridges by transferring an extra cent of the existing gas tax to municipalities, and he will shorten the commute times by partnering with cities on a better transit plan–creating 31,000 good jobs in the process. And I will be working with Tom to implement this vision.

Green, Arthur – Green Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Our infrastructure in Canada is literally falling apart. Everything from roads, bridges, drainage, and public facilities are falling apart. Also, in regards to energy, 30% of our energy is used to heat the outside in winter, and cool the outside in summer. We could put an army of contractors to work rectifying this massive waste of energy. The savings in energy costs would over a relatively short period of time pay for it alone. As for the construction repairs of non energy burning infrastructure we would use 1% of the GST as an investment in infrastructure rebuilding and start it immediately. This would create thousands of jobs combining the two programs.

Scott, Wyatt Scott – Independent Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Realistically, there are too many unknown factors (such as whether we will have a minority government, which party will be in power, and what the state of the budget ACTUALLY is) to give a date for the implementation of any concrete plan. To do so would simply be lying. However, infrastructure funding is a vital component of government services at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. As an independent candidate, I would be in a perfect position to negotiate a plan for funding that would include all levels of government, regardless of which party ends up in power.

Sidhu, Jati – Liberal Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Yes. Our additional, sustainable and permanent infrastructure funding will do the following:
Nearly double federal infrastructure investment to almost $125 billion from the current $65 billion over the next decade, reaching an additional $9.5 billion by year ten;
Make an immediate down payment to kick-start job creation and economic growth by doubling the current federal infrastructure investment in each of the next two fiscal years; Provide new, dedicated funding to provinces, territories, and municipalities for:
-Public transit infrastructure,
-Social infrastructure including affordable housing and seniors facilities, early learning and child care, and cultural and recreational infrastructure,
-Green infrastructure including local and wastewater facilities, climate resilient infrastructure, and clean energy;
Help fund public infrastructure projects with the creation of a new Canada Infrastructure Bank.

Vis, Brad – Conservative Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

The New Building Canada Fund (NBCF) is one part of the overall $53 billion New Building Canada Plan (NBCP), the longest and largest investment plan for public infrastructure in Canada’s history. The NBCF is a $14-billion Fund supporting projects of national, regional and local significance that promote economic growth, job creation and productivity. There are two major components under the NBCF:
-The $4-billion National Infrastructure Component (NIC) provides funding for projects of national significance
-The $10-billion Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (PTIC) supports projects of national, regional and local significance that contribute to economic growth, a clean environment, and stronger communities. Two sub-components of the PTIC:
-$9 billion for National and Regional projects (PTIC-NRP);
-$1 billion for projects located in communities of fewer than 100,000 residents through the Small Communities Fund (PTIC-SCF).

Wismer, Elaine – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

MLPC is opposed to privatization and the sell-off of public assets. Public right must have priority over monopoly right, so that the perpetual drain on resources is reduced. Increase in industry, instead of it destruction, combined with careful long-range planning could increase the material abundance of the country in a way that all needs are met in a balanced way. The people of Canada, were they empowered politically, instead of marginalized, would solve infrastructure and other problems as soon as possible.


Internal trade barriers increase the costs to both businesses and consumers, negatively impact
competitiveness and cost Canada’s economy more than $14 billion each year. A truly open market within
Canada is long past due. What can you do to strengthen the 1995 Agreement on Internal Trade and work with
the provinces and territories to develop a more robust, pan-Canadian agreement?

Ed Fast, Conservative Candidate (Abbotsford)

It was Prime Minister Stephen Harper who this year formally requested Canada’s Minister of Industry, the Hon. James Moore, to undertake a comprehensive review of the internal barriers to trade within our country. That review is the first in over 20 years and is ongoing. It is being done together with the provinces and territories and is expected to deliver a plan which will open up expanded trade within our country. It is unacceptable that Canadians can freely sell products like wine into many parts of the world, but can’t do so within Canada. I look forward to seeing the outcome of this review.

Fowler, Stephen – Green Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The Green Party believes it is difficult to strengthen agreements on trade within Canada, when the provinces and territories are not meeting as a body to develop them. Prime Minister Harper has hosted only one First Minister’s Conference. The Green Party believe Canada works better when all representatives meet at one table. We propose a new way of doing business. The Council of Canadian Governments (CCG), chaired by the Prime Minister and made up of all premiers, representatives of municipal governments – as selected by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities – and leaders from First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples, will provide a consultative process to develop shared plans and priorities on issues like internal trade. Canada’s economic union and expanding business and employment opportunities will benefit from national standards for digital economy, foreign investment, financial risk and securities regulation, and consumer protection. CCG will work to end negative barriers.

Martel, Jen – NDP Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The NDP has a strong record of consulting with business and the provinces about supporting inter-provincial trade. A good example of this is in 2011, when New Democrats worked with other parties to pass legislation that reduced barriers for the wine industry. In government, we’ll continue to consult with business and industry to improve Canada’s trade capabilities.

Mackay, David – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response

Njenga, Peter – Liberal Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response
Adamson, Dennis – NDP Candidate Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding

The NDP has a strong record of consulting with business and the provinces about supporting inter-provincial trade. In 2011, New Democrats worked with other parties to pass legislation that reduced barriers for the wine industry. We’ll continue to consult with business and industry in government.

Green, Arthur – Green Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

We would immediately remove all trade barriers in Canada. This would create an equal playing field across Canada. We find it in fathomable that we create all these international trade agreements, that turns Canada into a raw resource wholesaler, then erect barriers as to confound the sale of resources within our country. Then our only compensation in return is cheap consumer goods, that in the long term, do us more harm than good. It doesn’t matter what agreement, NAFTA, FIPA, ETA, TPP, they all sell us down the river, make us uncompetitive in manufacturing, and lower our wages. A good example is our wineries in BC cannot sell competitively to other provinces. This seems to me to be counter productive. We should develop universal pricing right across the country and incent Canadians to buy from Canada.

Scott, Wyatt – Independent Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Strengthening a pan-Canadian agreement takes effort from all parties. I can start the dialogue, and as an independent candidate I am uniquely positioned to facilitate and moderate a committee on the Agreement on Internal Trade. As a small business owner, I am aware of the many pressures on businesses and the need for the federal government to promote and support Canadian businesses. The current government has focused its energy of trade deals such as FIPA while neglecting its own citizens and its own internal trade. We need to shift our federal resources back to Canadians.

Sidhu, Jati – Liberal Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

The issue is not that it should necessarily be strengthened, but the existing agreement does require support. It’s a comprehensive deal that includes the federal government, the provinces and territories. As it stands, these governments have committed to applying the principles of non-discrimination, transparency, openness and accessibility with respect to their procurement opportunities and those of their municipalities and municipal organizations, school boards and publicly funded academic, health and social services entities. Such an agreement by its very scope will be an evolutionary process that requires ongoing negotiations and adjustments in order to further liberalize trade throughout the Canadian economy. I for one would be very happy to be part of helping to continue this progress.

Vis, Brad – Conservative Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

A new Internal Trade deal is needed, which is why the Conservative Government began working on this issue some time ago. The 1995 agreement was written for a different time, one where Canada only had two free trade agreements – Mexico and the USA. Thanks to our government there are now over 43 free trade agreements and it is time to modernise the Agreement on Internal Trade. Recently, we have seen a positive shift in that there is consensus among provinces that change is needed. A re-elected Conservative Government would
continue this work, which includes not only eliminating inter-provincial barriers to trade, but also revamping the dispute settlement mechanism, which is currently non-binding and not serving its intended purpose.

Wismer, Elaine – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Canada.Expo 86 & creation of the Coquihalla Highway & Connector facilitates commerce with Okanagan but killed the Fraser Canyon. In 2010 Alberta won an AIT ruling that benefitted producers of Land O’ Lakes type mixed butter/vegetable oil/soy products, but disfavours eastern Dairy farmers. A “truly open market within Canada” doesn’t describe what is needed to fairly support Canadians. I am distrustful of the “Other Provisions””international agreements clause which increases federal-provincial cooperation on global trade matters” which could harm Canadian dairy farmers and other producers. MLPC stands for international trade based on mutual benefit and development, and for the growth of Canadian industry and services in a way that is fair to all. MLPC stands for sovereign decision-making over the economy, with manufacturing a priority organized to meet people’s needs, not for sell-out.


If your party forms the next government, how will you foster greater levels of cooperation on environmental
issues among First Nations, industry, non-profits, NGO’s, charities and various provincial and municipal

Fast, Ed – Conservative Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

Our Conservative government has been committed to responsibly addressing national and global environmental challenges, all within a context of ensuring that our economic interests are not impaired as we work to improve our environmental outcomes. Our efforts have drawn in many of the key stakeholders you have mentioned in your question. Over the last 9 years, we have invested close to $20 billion dollars into addressing GHG emissions, protecting park land and removing toxins from our environment. We are the first government in Canadian history
to reduce GHG emissions. Between 2005 and 2013, GHG emissions fell 3.1%. In 2012, Canada was the first major coal user to ban the construction of traditional coal-fired electricity generation. Canada has one of the world’s cleanest electricity supplies “nearly 80% emitting no GHG emissions. We also introduced the ecoEnergy Retrofit Program to make homes more energy efficient.

Fowler, Stephen – Green Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The environment is not only a resource. It is a key ingredient to a better, healthier Canada. Along with economic and social benefits, every policy written by the Green Party must also benefit the environment.
In our opinion, the opinion of overwhelming numbers of climate scientists, supported by the year over year evidence, climate change is real and occurring. It must be dealt with before catastrophic changes occur to our habitats, and the people and animals that live within them. Greens have created a mechanism to work cooperatively, but also know that the work needed must begin now. The Council of Canadian Governments will offer all parts of Canadian society the opportunity to cooperatively work to meet our environmental goals. Our transition to a green, sustainable economy will create good local jobs, shorter commutes, more livable cities, and cleaner air and water. There are great benefits to reap from the new fossil-fuel free economy.

Martel, Jen – NDP Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

Abbotsford serves as the Lower Mainland’s gateway to the outdoors and British Columbia’s beautiful interior region. For 10 years, Steven Harper has gutted laws designed to protect the outdoors, and he has hurt Canada’s reputation on the world stage by refusing to take serious action to tackle climate change. It is one of the primary reasons I’m running in this election. The NDP has a concrete plan to protect the environment for future generations while growing the economy and creating good jobs. As Prime Minister, Tom Mulcair will work to kick-start renewable energy production and drive down climate-changing emissions. He will make big polluters pay to clean up their mess and he will strengthen laws to protect Canada’s lakes and rivers. Perhaps most importantly, a Tom Mulcair government will partner with First Nations on these issues in respectful and collaborative way.

Mackay, David – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response

Njenga, Peter – Liberal Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response
Adamson, Dennis – NDP Candidate Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding

For 10 years, Steven Harper has gutted laws designed to protect the outdoors, and he has hurt Canada’s reputation on the world stage by refusing to take serious action to tackle climate change. Tom Mulcair has a concrete plan to protect the environment for future generations while growing the economy and creating good jobs. As Prime Minister, Tom will work to kick-start renewable energy production and drive down climate-changing emissions. He will make big polluters pay to clean up their mess and he will strengthen laws to protect Canada’s lakes and rivers. A Tom Mulcair government will partner with First Nations on these issues in a respectful and collaborative way.

Green, Arthur – Green Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Let’s be honest and clear, the Green Party is not going to form Government. The 3 major Party’s are going to do whatever it takes to suppress us as much as they can. Not letting us into the debates, and devaluing us as much as possible with their bullying tactics has become the norm. However we’re going to win seats in this election at a precedent setting rate, and believe Mission/Matsqui/Fraser Canyon will be one of them. We do expect to win enough seats in this election to be awarded Official Party status. The Greens are the only Party in Canada that is as close to nonpartisan as possible, and we will work with all Party’s that have the long term benefit of all Canadians in their sights. Greens have entered Government at all levels and proven what an asset they are in moving
jurisdictions forward. The Greens are the only Party in Canada that are calling for First Nations self-government with a fair and equitable spot at the negotiating table. We will hold feet to fire

Scott, Wyatt – Independent Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

I will continue to build strong relationships between nonprofit groups and governments. Environmental issues become contentious when one group feels that they will lose money or autonomy to another group. The way to foster cooperation is to create a situation in which no group loses anything. Encouraging new, innovative green technologies will expand our economy without putting more pressure on the environment. We can offer grants and subsidies for new green businesses within our riding; encourage participation of First Nations within these
industries; and encourage charities to participate in the development of new industries to create feasible environmental standards.

Sidhu, Jati – Liberal Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Canada’s environment has suffered greatly during the Harper decade. The Liberal plan will create clean jobs, grow our economy and protect our environment while working collaboratively with stakeholders at all levels. Here’s how:
Create jobs by supporting research and development for clean energy projects. Work with Canada’s premiers to take immediate action on climate change and carbon pollution. Invest in technologies bringing more clean renewable energy onto the electricity grid. Make our National Parks easier and more affordable to access. Increase the amount of protected marine and coastal areas – nearly ten times more. Restore credibility to environmental assessments.
In addition, we will deliver substantial new funding to promote, preserve, and enhance Indigenous languages and culture; and work collaboratively to include Aboriginal and Treaty rights (which include environmental commitments)

Vis, Brad – Conservative Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

I look forward to connecting with all stakeholders to address environmental concerns without unnecessarily constraining Canada’s economic prosperity. The Conservative government is the first in Canadian history to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and it did so while protecting Canadian jobs. Between 2005 and 2013 GHG emissions fell 3.1% and the economy grew 12.9%. The National Conservation Plan announced in Budget 2014 includes $252 million over 5 years. We have committed to expanding it and working with conservation and outdoor communities on their project priorities. The Conservatives also recently announced an increased partnership with the Pacific Salmon Foundation to restore estuaries critical to the survival of salmon and preserve the Harrisons’ River salmon ecosystem. We’ll also complete the establishment of a National Marine Conservation Area in the Southern Strait of Georgia.

Wismer, Elaine – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

MLPC, through its daily news and other media, and its organizations, promotes cooperation of all peoples, and stands for the renewal of the political process so that Canadians can directly decide the matters that concern them and affect their lives. MLPC stands for solving the problems of environmental destruction and climate change by
empowering human beings, especially the working people, to control the decisions about what to produce and how to product it.


Housing is an important issue for many in BC. Geographic and land use constraints in the Fraser Valley
create unique conditions affecting the supply and cost of housing. What would your party do to make more
affordable rental and market housing available?

Fast, Ed – Conservative Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

Our Conservative government has, over the last 9 years, delivered over $17 billion to support affordable housing. We recently contributed almost $1 million to Abbotsford to assist it in developing housing for the homeless under a “housing first” approach. We have also supported local housing projects such as Tabor Village, Cedarhurst, Fernview, Harmony Flex and Spirit Bear Centre housing projects. We will continue to partner with the province to provide housing solutions for those who need them the most. If re-elected, we will expand the Home Buyers’
Plan to allow prospective homeowners to withdraw up to $35,000 from their RRSPs to finance a home purchase. We recently provided significant new support to cooperative housing projects. Finally, the Prime Minister has announced that a re-elected Conservative government would conduct a review of skyrocketing house prices in urban centres like Vancouver to develop an appropriate response.

Fowler, Stephen – Green Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

In the words of Elizabeth May: It’s time the federal government gets back into the business of investing in social housing, instead of offloading its responsibilities onto cash-strapped municipalities.
The Green Party will create and implement a National Housing Plan to provide every Canadian with a place to call home. The plan must include a seniors’ housing plan, a First Nations plan, a plan for social housing, and for affordable market housing. We will: house chronically homeless people and provide immediate supports
fund the co-operative housing sector to build more new affordable housing Implement a Guaranteed Livable Income to help low-income Canadians and youth attain their dreams end foreign housing purchases that only drive market prices up Increase access to social housing for First Nations on and off-reserve a percentage of all newly built units is affordable housing We will work across party lines to make this strategy a reality

Martel, Jen – NDP Candidate (Abbotsford Riding)

The NDP prides itself on its housing policy, and will be a real partner with communities by making stable, long-term investments in social housing. The NDP has a long history of making housing a priority and backing that up with action. An NDP government will pass the Affordable Housing Act to recognize housing as a right, provide long-term stable investment in social housing, and provide incentives to build 10,000 new market rental units.

Mackay, David – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response

Njenga, Peter – Liberal Candidate (Abbotsford Riding) No Response
Adamson, Dennis – NDP Candidate Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding

Tom Mulcair and the NDP will be a real partner with communities by making stable, long-term investments in social housing. The NDP has a proud history of making housing a priority and backing that up with action. An NDP government will pass the Affordable Housing Act to recognize housing as a right, provide long-term stable investment in social housing, and provide incentives to build 10,000 new market rental

Green, Arthur – Green Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

Housing in BC has become imbalanced because of the over equitable market in the GVRD. Housing there has become an investment vehicle for wealthy Asians, either hiding their money from totalitarian governments, or laundering it. Many units in this market are actually sitting empty, causing another problem of low availability. This is why if you commute into Vancouver from the other side of the Port Mann or the Oak street bridges, your day is approximately an hour longer than those who don’t. In Hope for example, I just sold a 3 bdrm. 2 bath waterfront home for $285,000., the same home in the GVRD would be worth $2.5 million. This is ludicrous and not good for the long term market. I believe we need to go after those empty investor properties and tax them to incent opening up more housing options. One of our platform agenda’s is to go after off shore money and make them pay their fair share of taxes. I believe that a lot of this money is hidden in the Vancouver housing market.

Scott, Wyatt – Independent Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

We could start making more affordable housing available by increasing the percentage of affordable housing that developers are required to provide per new build. This needs to be a workable percentage that can accommodate demands for housing, without causing undue stress on the developer. Another measure would be to tax offshore homeowners who have a second home in Canada at a higher rate than they are currently. This higher tax bracket is common in many countries; it helps keep homes within the price range of Canadian buyers and provides additional revenue to our federal government

Sidhu, Jati – Liberal Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

As part of our new, ten-year investment of nearly $20 billion in social infrastructure, we will prioritize significant new investment in affordable housing and seniors facilities. We will increase the new residential rental property rebate on the GST to 100 percent. We will direct the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the new Canada Infrastructure Bank to provide financing to support construction of new, affordable rental housing for middle- and low-income Canadians. We will conduct an inventory of all available federal lands and buildings that could be repurposed, and make some of these available at low cost for affordable housing. We will modernize the existing Home Buyers Plan so that it helps more Canadians finance the purchase of a home.
We will undertake a review of escalating home prices in high-priced markets to determine whether speculation is driving up the cost of housing.

Vis, Brad – Conservative Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

A re-elected Conservative government will support affordable homeownership by:
-Establishing a new permanent Home Renovation Tax Credit for substantial home renovation expenses between $1,000 and $5,000
-Expanding the Home Buyer ? Plan from $25,000 to $35,000 so first -time home buyers can withdraw savings tax-free
-Maintaining the recent enhancement to Tax-Free Savings Accounts so Canadians can save and invest more of their hard-earned money tax-free
-Collecting data on foreign buyer activity in Canada’s housing market and, as necessary, taking concrete action in coordination with provinces to curb foreign speculation in Canada’s residential real estate market
The Conservatives have already helped Canadian families purchase and invest in their first home by: establishing the First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit, increasing the Home Buyers Plan for the first time, establishing the Tax-Free Savings Account, and providing a temporary Home Renovation Tax

Wismer, Elaine – Marxist-Leninist Candidate (Mission Matsqui Fraser Canyon Riding)

The approach to development that has historically characterized British Columbia is creating a B.C. that is a comfort zone for the wealthy, with low income wage-earners providing services, and suffering from an eternal affordable housing problem. MLPC stands for a new
direction for the economy that upholds public right, not monopoly right. Who says the Greater Vancouver area “will have” another million people by 2030? The people should be able to participate in the planning process so that there is industry; preservation of farm land for quality locally produced food, affordable housing, and measures taken for balance in the quality of life to meet people’s needs, instead of catering first and foremost to the corporate desperation to maximize profit.