November 14, 2022


Chilliwack, BC: The City of Chilliwack is seeking community-minded individuals to volunteer on several Council Committees as community representatives. People with diverse experience and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The City of Chilliwack’s Advisory Committees each focus on specific topics, based on the committee’s expertise, and provide recommendations to City Council. Volunteer community representative positions are available for the following committees: Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Agricultural and Rural Advisory Committee, Heritage Advisory Committee, Parks and Trails Advisory Committee, Public Safety Advisory Committee and the Transportation Advisory Committee.

“Advisory committees play an important role by providing recommendations to Council for their mandated subject,” said Mayor Popove. “We want to make sure that our membership reflects the diversity in Chilliwack, and encourage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to apply. Having a diverse membership at the table allows us to creatively solve problems together with a wider range of knowledge, as people from different backgrounds can draw on their unique experiences.”

Community representatives should have education, work, volunteer or lived experience that is related to the committee to which they are applying, and must be available for approximately two hours per month for meetings, or as needed, for a one-year term. Meetings take place during regular business hours. Community representatives must not be an employee or board member of an organization receiving funding from the City of Chilliwack.

Fillable application forms are available for download, or residents can pick up a hard copy from City Hall reception (8550 Young Road). Completed applications can be submitted via email or dropped off to City Hall. More information and the fillable application form are available at

Filed under: Advisory, Chilliwack, Committee, Community, Resident, volunteer