Aphrodite is in search of her new loving home, to call hers for the rest of her life.

Aphrodite has gone through a lot in her four short years but continues to be very loving and fun. Aphrodite was found severely injured on the side of the road at the beginning of June. An incredibly caring person rushed her straight into vet care where it was learned that she had a broken pelvis and some horrible lacerations that required multiple, extensive surgeries.  Aphrodite spent just over a month in vet care and once released she went to one of the SPCA’s wonderful foster homes to start her rehab journey where she had to learn how to walk again.

Aphrodite is currently on a diet that is helping her stomach sensitivity and she is doing well on it. They ask that the adopter continue with this or work with their veterinarian to determine if this is a lifelong situation. Or to find out if she may be able to eat different food on a trial basis. In the foster home Aphrodite currently resides at, she is getting along great with the resident ca t and small dog. She is extremely outgoing and if she were to be placed with another cat, it would have to be well-matched to her personality that has been seen in the foster home. Aphrodite is extremely fun and silly and would provide her new home with lots of laughter and affection. If you are interested in knowing more about her, please contact the Chilliwack branch with any questions or fill out an online application at:  https://spca.bc.ca/survey/cat-adoption-application-chilliwack/

Filed under: adopt, adoption, cat, pet, spca