This handsome dude is Marty the Pug X.

Marty was brought to the Chilliwack SPCA as a stray, intact male with no microchip or tattoo. Unfortunately no owner has come forward to claim him.

Marty is a very friendly, confident little dog that loves everybody he meets. Marty loves going for car rides and walks great on a leash. Marty’s age is estimated at about 3 years old. He is being neutered this week and will be available to go home right after.  Almost any home would be great for Marty, however he seems to have issues with cats – he will bark and runaway from them. Possibly a home with a very laid back cat would be good for him and he can learn that cats are not bad.  Marty is also not potty trained, but the staff have been working very hard on this and he is doing a great job of learning where to do his business, neutering should also help with the marking.

If you would like to meet/adopt Marty, please go the the Chilliwack SPCA’s website and fill out the adoption application form. Find it here.

Filed under: adopt, adoption, dog, pet, pug, spca