July 4, 2019

Illegal Dumping Will Cost You More

Chilliwack, BC: From discarded grass clippings along roads and watercourses to decaying furniture in the forest, as of July 16, 2019, illegal dumping in Chilliwack will cost you more. On July 2, City Council gave first, second and third reading to two bylaw amendments that will increase the fines associated with illegal dumping and the burning of pallets or other garbage from $200 to $500 per offence, the maximum under the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw. Additional fines of up to $2,000 may be levied under the Offence Act, and offenders may also be charged the cleanup costs associated with the illegally dumped materials.

Illegal dumping is unsightly, costly, and dangerous. Garbage left behind in our natural areas is hazardous to people and negatively impacts wildlife. Illegally dumped green waste can increase fire risk and even introduce invasive species to an area.

“Chilliwack is a beautiful place to live, and it is everyone’s responsibility to help keep it clean and green,” said Mayor Popove. “Not only is tossing your garbage out of the car window or driving your furniture into the woods disrespectful to your neighbours, it’s also harmful to our natural environment.”

Volunteers are a key part of the City’s efforts to clean up after illegal dumpers and irresponsible outdoor recreational users. A volunteer group from Rosedale Elementary recently collected 400 kilograms of nails from pallet fires and additional litter along the Fraser River. In 2018, the City paid for the responsible disposal of 27 tonnes of garbage collected by volunteers, in addition to funding the Adopt a Road, River and Park/Trail programs which oversee 137 volunteer groups who perform hundreds of cleanups a year.

Free and low-cost disposal options for a wide variety of materials can be found at or through the Chilliwack Curbside Collection App. If you witness illegal dumping, please report it to the appropriate agency as soon as possible. Find out how to report illegal dumping, suggestions for how to dispose of items if you don’t have a vehicle and other ways you can get involved at


(Photo and Information provided by the City of Chilliwack)

Filed under: Bylaws, Chilliwack, fines, Illegal Dumping