Chilliwack:  In support of Pink Shirt Day -raising awareness to stop

bullying- RCMP officers and employees of the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment (UFVRD) are wearing pink.


Bullying can be any unwelcomed or aggressive behaviour that makes a person uncomfortable, hurt or scared. It makes no difference if bullying takes place in person, at work or school, online or in the community.

The act must not be tolerated.


“Bullying behaviour has long term effects on a victim. It is wrong,” says Superintendent Bryon Massie, Officer in Charge of the UFVRD.  “By wearing pink we are standing together with our community to raise awareness and give our support to work towards ending bullying

type behaviours.”


The RCMP encourages parents to speak to their children and learn the warning signs of bullying.


To learn more about programs supporting children’s healthy self-esteem click onto Pink Shirt Day or for Anti-bulling Safety Tips visit