Chilliwack residents came out to support the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation’s 3rd annual It’s a Wonderful Breakfast.  The sold out breakfast at the Coast Chilliwack Hotel served over 80lbs of bacon & sausage, 45 dozen eggs & 60lbs of hash browns to hungry yet generous guests. The well fed guests helped raise nearly $9,000; the funds this year are to help the campaign for a greatly needed CT scanner for Chilliwack General Hospital.

“This event is a wonderful way to start the Christmas season” exclaimed Liz Harris, Executive Director of the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation.  “The warmth and generosity of the people in Chilliwack never ceases to amaze me and the pile of toys and toiletries on the stage is proof of that”

The audience was entertained by the Chilliwack Harmony Chorus, enjoyed a message from Markus Delves, a member of the Board of Directors for Fraser Health and earned some medical insight from Dr. Jennifer Wilson, Site Medical Director from Chilliwack General Hospital.

“I loved the guest speakers and the entertainment was fantastic but what made the event for me was seeing the Big Guy himself” Desmond Devnich of the Chilliwack Chiefs chortled in reference to an early visit from Santa.  Yes, even the jolly old elf made it down for the breakfast. “Everyone here today is now on the NICE list” Santa laughed as he made his way to back to the North Pole.

“We could not make this event happen without our sponsors and participants, it is with a full heart I would like to thank every single one of them” said Harris.  We are happy to be closer to our goal of 1 million dollars for the new CT scanner.

For More information about the other upcoming events or to support the CT scanner campaign, please visit