July 19, 2023


Chilliwack, BC: As of July 19, the City of Chilliwack will move to stage 3 watering restrictions. At the July 18 meeting, City Council approved an extension of the watering restrictions period to October 15, as well as new triggers for implementing each stage of summer watering restrictions.

The extended period of June 1 – October 15 better reflects when groundwater starts to naturally recharge in the fall after the dry summer period, and the new triggers for each stage of watering restrictions are based on current aquifer conditions.

The Province of BC is experiencing drought conditions, and the City currently meets the threshold for stage 3 watering restrictions. Stage 3 watering restrictions are now in effect until October 15, 2023, unless otherwise announced by the City. Under stage 3 watering restrictions, lawn watering days and times are reduced. Even numbered addresses may water on Wednesdays, and odd numbered addresses may water on Thursdays, from 5-8 am only.

Additional restrictions include only watering gardens with a handheld container or hose with a shut off device or soaker, and only using water features (e.g. fountains) if they are recirculating. Non-recirculating water features using treated water are prohibited, as well as non-permeable surface washing for aesthetic purposes (e.g. pressure washing driveways).

“As dry conditions continue throughout the province, there are lots of small actions we can all take to help conserve water,” said Mayor Popove. “For example, you can take shorter showers, turn off the tap when you brush your teeth, only run full loads of laundry or dishes, and regularly check your home for leaks.”

For more information about watering restrictions, visit For more information about province-wide drought conditions, visit the BC Drought Information Portal.


Filed under: Chilliwack, drought, dry, Restrictions, stage 3, watering, watering restrictions