
2022-06-03 07:14 PDT

File # 2022-19100

Three people have been arrested following an astute citizen’s report of suspicious activity.

At approximately 8:30am on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, the Chilliwack RCMP received a report of a possible stolen vehicle in the 46700 block of Chilliwack Central Road after an astute citizen became concerned about suspicious activity. Members of the Chilliwack RCMP attended and determined that the vehicle was, in fact, stolen and that two men and a woman were in the area and possibly associated to the stolen vehicle. Investigation continued and police queries of the three revealed that all three were wanted by police on outstanding arrest warrants The trio were subsequently arrested and held in custody awaiting their court appearance. Investigation into the stolen vehicle continues.

Filed under: arrests, Chilliwack, rcmp, stolen vehicle, Warrants