Every year, starting at the end of October, Chilliwack Community Services begin their end-of-year giving campaign. Over the years they have received many generous contributions from community members like YOU!  In Chilliwack, there is a spirit of generosity and collaboration, Chilliwack Community Services recognize we live in such a great community.  In 2020, they raised over $270,000, which far surpassed the goal of $130,000.  They’re looking forward to what we can all do in 2021!  The goal is to raise $150,000, stay tuned for the progress throughout the end of the year.

Your generous contributions made it possible to help over 11,800 Chilliwack residents, in all different stages of life.  This will be the 6th annual “I Care” Campaign.  This year, there is an even greater need for giving, as our community continues to function and heal through the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chilliwack Community Services are reaching out to the community to seek support for programs and services.  CCS provides support to children, families, youth, seniors, and immigrants in Chilliwack.

Every year, community members consider carefully who to support.  Chilliwack Community Services knows it is very important that support goes to programs benefiting residents in our community, not to high administration fees.  Your support makes it to those who need it most during the pandemic.

For more information on this campaign and how to get involved, email our Fundraising Coordinator or call her at 604.792.4267.  You can also donate online now.

Filed under: Kindness Crew, Star 98.3 Kindness Crew, Star 98.3 Kindness Cruiser