Praline and Cat-therine O’Haira, both two years old, are on the lookout for a peaceful home to call their own.

These ladies came to the Chilliwack SPCA Shelter along with many other felines, frozen in fear and covered in fleas. Through patient care and socialization, they have started to come around and are slowly learning how to be normal house cats.

Praline is a bit more outgoing and will often go over to where her sister is hiding to pull her out for playtime. She LOVES to play with wand toys, will eat tasty treats from our hands, and loves nothing more than her late afternoon naps and a gentle human rub on the head.

Although Catherine has not progressed as fast as her sister,  she is slowly getting there and with an adopter that will allow her to adjust at her own pace,  provide a quiet, calm and patient home where she can be with her sister all day long, we know that it will not take long for her to catch up to praline.

For more information and/or to find out more about adopting these sisters, please contact the Chilliwack SPCA at 604-823-6612 or through their website

Filed under: adopt, adoption, cat, cats, Chilliwack, pet, pets, shelter, spca