This little girl is named Bobbie.

Unfortunately Bobbie has had a little bit of a rough life in her short year.  Bobbie was part of a cruelty seizure that included over fifty other cats in the home.  Bobbie had very little socialization in the home as well she has tested positive for FIV ( Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) FIV is a disease in cats similar to the aids disease in humans in that it weakens the immune system and makes the cat vulnerable to other diseases. FIV is an incurable disease, but with close monitoring and exceptional care, can be a managed. That being said, Bobbie can be adopted to a home with other FIV positive cats, or a home with cats that are not FIV positive, but are very cat friendly as this can be spread through deep bite wounds or scratches from fighting.  Even though Bobbie is only a year old, unfortunately due to very poor genetics Bobbie required an extensive dental and has lost all but four of her teeth. Even with all these missing teeth, Bobbie is still a great eater and loves her dry and wet food.

Bobbie will require a quiet home, adult only as she is quite fearful from her lack of socialization.  Bobbie is not a big fan of being approached by people, she prefers to do this on her own terms and will come looking for some pets when the mood strikes her. Bobbie is very active and loves to run and chase her toys and her favourite game is a toy on a stick that her foster mom plays all the time with her.

If you have any questions about Bobbie you can reach out to the Chilliwack SPCA at 604-823-6612. If you would like to fill out an application follow the link. Cat Adoption Application – Chilliwack | BC SPCA and quote ID number 517039

Filed under: adopt, adoption, bobbie, cat, Chilliwack, spca