source: Abbotsford Police Department Press Release

The mission statement of the Abbotsford Police Department is To Make Abbotsford the Safest City in British Columbia.  An integral part of community safety is road safety.  That is why we hold the “Alexa’s Team” initiative in such high regard.  The program recognizes police officers who make extraordinary contributions to reduce the number of impaired drivers on the roads in B.C.  Police officers dedicating themselves to this important work are not only preventing crashes, they are preventing tragedies which is a key component in the legacy of Alexa Middelaer.

This year, nine Abbotsford Police officers have been recognized for their work and are part of Alexa’s Team:

Cst. Larry Campbell; Cst. Jon Courtney; Cst. John Davidson; Cst. Jeff Gayger; Cst. Marc Lequesne; Cst. Michael Oakman; Cst. Leisa Shea; Cst. Davin Turner and Cst. Renae Williams

Three of the above mentioned officers made the “All Star Team”.  Constables Davidson, Turner and Williams all conducted over 25 Impaired Driving investigations and were part of this select group.

The Abbotsford Police Department offers congratulations and thanks to each of these amazing police officers.


(Source: APD News Release)