Source: @FionaMoseley on Instagram
Source: @FionaMoseley on Instagram

A mom took this picture of a cake her daughter made for her, and Instagram shut down her account…can you guess why?


Remember the whole “free the nipple” campaign on Instagram? Well, this is taking things to a whole new level, as the filters in Instagram went a little bonkers with the below picture:



Dear @instagram this is a cake, not a boob #censorednipples #boobgate #givemymumbackherinstagramaccount @suemoseley

A photo posted by Jenny (@jennifermoseleychef) on


I don’t know… I’m no boob connoisseur, but it doesn’t really look like a boob to me!


It was just a proud mom in the U.K. who’s daughter Fiona made her this Easter simnel cake, which looks pretty fantastic! But no, IG had to get all goofy on them…

Source: Fiona Moseley
Source: Fiona Moseley


Wow! What do you think??