The Agassiz and Fairfield Venturers
The Agassiz and Fairfield Venturers

If you’re willing to steal something, you likely don’t care WHO it is you’re stealing from, but the 1st Fairfield Scout troop on Fairfield Island had over $2,000 of gear taken from them over the weekend. Ian Wilson is with the 1st Agassiz troop and says they’re hoping they can recover it, whether the thieves are caught or they simply return it to the hall.

“We have a shed, it’s beside the Fairfield Scout Hall on Camp River Rd.  Sometime between Thursday night and Saturday morning it was broken into and a bunch of our camping gear was stolen…I feel like they (the thieves) would have to have known (who they were stealing from).  The shed is right beside the hall, which is very clearly marked.”

He says the gear includes pop up and canvas shelters, BBQs and camp stoves. They have filed a report with RCMP but if you have any information on who took it, or if you took it and could return it, it would be greatly appreciated.  Wilson says you could just return it to the front of the hall overnight, no questions asked.  He says this gear would’ve been bought with fundraiser or grant money, so it’s not easily replaceable.

photo of canvas shelter that was stolen
photo of canvas shelter that was stolen
photo of pop up shelters that were stolen
photo of pop up shelters that were stolen