
The Reptile Guy in Mission can’t believe what he’s being accused of. Mike Hopcraft says the SPCA raided his shelter earlier this week, and took away 14 reptiles and 40 rats, which was a huge hit to him. The SPCA is claiming the animals have been neglected, and Hopcraft believes they’re going to recommend animal cruelty charges. He says the claims are ridiculous…he takes in animals that are already severely distressed and tries to nurse them back.

“I just don’t understand the point of my job if i’m not allowed to do that….any animal that they see that looks like it might be underweight or it might have a bump or a scrape on it, they think that must be my fault.  I did that to my animal and I’m not looking after it….I’m rehabbing it!”

In a statement, the SPCA said they don’t execute these warrants unless they have a reason, but didn’t elaborate.

He says he’s absolutely going to appeal this to try and get his animals back.
It’s been a bad week all around for Hopcraft, who says the shelter was also broken into earlier this week as well.

Here is our conversation with Mike about the break-in and the SPCA raid.