sick-cold(By Simon Druker)  It’s that time of year, when your pockets are packed with Kleenex and cold and flu medication. But outside of getting immunized, what else can you do to stay healthy?

“Being sick doesn’t mean that you’re unhealthy. It’s actually just an indicator of you receiving a virus. It’s about how quickly you recover from that virus, or bacteria,” says alternative health expert Bryce Wilde.

But, if you still want to avoid spending a week in bed, try taking Swiss-made Echinaforce.

“A. Vogel, it’s a Swiss company that has put out a new kind of Echinacea called a hot drink. This was compared to Tamiflu as equal and maybe better but without the side effects. It’s a combination of Echinacea purpurea and Elderberry,” Wilde explains.

He says taking it as a preventative measure rather than as a treatment is the best course of action. “Taking it once a day for the next four months, it’s probably a smart idea, especially when you consider that taking it along with the flu vaccine, improves the efficiency of the vaccine. I think that’s incredible news. It’s backed by 10 years of clinical research.”

There’s also a new pro-biotic on the market called BLIS K13, that can help fight off that sore throat. “It’s naturally found in your mouth. It’s been studied for more than 30 years but a lot of folks don’t know about this and now Health Canada approves products with BLIS K12, helping to reduce the incidents of strep laryngitis, to recolonize good bacteria in oral cavity, helping to prevent the ear, nose and throat infections.”

Wilde notes getting adequate rest is vital to both preventing and recovering from a cold or the flu.