Photo from UFV (Flickr)
Photo from UFV (Flickr)

There will be a public memorial service this afternoon (THU) for long time Chilliwack school board trustee Martha Wiens, who passed away on September 23rd at the age of 90. She served for 25 years, and Board Chair Silvia Dyck says she had a passion for all students, but particularly kids at the C.H.A.N.C.E Alternate School.

“Martha had a great heart for them, and advocated for their facilities…that they would be improved, and that the kids would have more opportunities.  An alternate school like C.H.A.N.C.E does not receive funding from the ministry as a school site.  She advocated for them to have a covered play area, she advocated for so many other things.  It’s absolutely amazing…she never let go.  She was determined that her C.H.A.N.C.E students were given the best opportunity that we could provide.”

Dyck says Martha had a strong set of beliefs and stuck to them.

“She always made sure that students were the first part of our conversation.  She was also everybody’s grandmother in the school district.”

The service today is at 4pm at the Alliance Church on Young Rd