Photo credit: Kevin MacDonald/KAM Productions
Photo credit: Kevin MacDonald/KAM Productions

About 30 full time nurses at a seniors’ care home in Abbotsford are being replaced with contracted workers who will be making lower wages.
The BC Nurses Union says it’s like breaking up the family for the 150 or so seniors living at Menno Place.
President Gayle Duteil says this will have an impact on the seniors, who need care 24/7.

“For seniors who live there, it’s like breaking up their family,” says Duteil. Losing all the nurses they know and trust and losing the consistency of care will have profound consequences for the seniors who depend on them.”

The CEO at Menno Place explains the change is necessary because the facility is running a deficit.
There are 151 beds at Menno Hospital. Many of the nurses have worked there for over 20 years.  There are 28 full time nurses, and around 60 total.