Photo credit: UFVRD RCMP
Photo credit: UFVRD RCMP

A nice honour for a local Mountie.
Chilliwack RCMP Cbl. Michael Subulsky received the Terry Ryan Memorial Award for Police Excellence in Toronto this past weekend. The award, established by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), is named after Cbl. Terry Ryan, an Ontario officer who was killed in an alcohol related collision in 2002.
Cbl Sabulsky was recognized as a passionate advocate against impaired driving and has been a member of Alexa’s Team for the past five years.

“We are proud that an officer from Chilliwack is the first police officer in BC to win this award from MADD Canada. Constable Sabulsky is well known in the community for his passion for improving road safety and is a valuable member of the City of Chilliwack Safer City team,” said Mayor Sharon Gaetz.

Sabulsky is Drug Recognition Expert, and also teaches other officers how to use roadside screening devices.

“On behalf of ICBC we congratulate Cst. Mike Sabulsky on this award from MADD Canada. Mike is a very dedicated police officer and very deserving of this prestigious award and his dedication to combating impaired driving is commendable. We are very fortunate to have officers like him making our community a safer place to live,” said Mike Weightman Road Safety Coordinator ICBC.


“Shock is what I felt when I was told about the award. It is nice to know I am making a difference. The support of my family makes it possible for me to continue my commitment of preventing impaired driving on our roadways,” said Sabulsky.