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(With files from Martin MacMahon) The leaders of cities and towns from around the province are asking higher levels of government for a greater percentage of tax dough to improve roads, water systems and waste management.

The Union of BC Municipalities‘ week-long convention begins today.

“We get about 10 cents of the dollar, but [are] responsible for about 60 per cent of the infrastructure — roads, bridges, local municipal buildings,” says UBCM president Sav Dhaliwal.

“The status quo is basically leaving local governments scrambling for funding and many of the infrastructures are sort of behind schedule. They haven’t been maintained for many, many years,” he tells us.

There are also calls for more action on housing affordability, and improved oil spill response systems.

Abbotsford doesn’t have any resolutions on the table, but the FVRD has two, regarding housing and homelessness. There will also be an interesting clinic on legalization of marijuana.  Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz says she’s looking forward to meeting with the environment minister this week about the city’s solid waste management plan.
Roberta Bondar, the first Canadian woman in space, will be giving the keynote speech.