
The initiative Chilliwack Votes has been asking the six Chilliwack-Hope candidates a series of weekly questions about various issues in the lead-up to the October 19th federal election.  They have allowed us to post the candidates responses here.  Here is Question #1.


Thomas Cheney (Green Party)

If elected, I will work to make the needed changes to bring Canada back to economic, social and environmental health. The Green Party looks past the old left/right divide and focuses on solutions that advance the public interest. A vote for the Green Party is a vote for strong action on climate change. We are the only party unilaterally opposed to any new tar sands pipelines. Action on the environment does not hurt the economy, the transition to clean energy will be the greatest economic opportunity in history. The middle class will be nurtured by the green tax shift from income and sales towards bads such as pollution and junk food. The Green Party will raise corporate taxes, while placing new measures to make sure regulations do not unduly impact small businesses. We will also amend trade agreements to prevent offshoring and promote resilient local economies, a great thing for areas such as Chilliwack and Hope. A strong democracy is also a vital part of our platform including introducing proportional representation. We will never whip votes and believe the job of the MP is to represent constituents, rather than representing their party. As a member of the Green Party, I am committed to moving Canada towards a more reasoned and consensual model of politics.

Louis De Jaeger (Liberal)

Over a decade ago I opened Bravo Restaurant, and have since been working every day to serve you, in my dining room, as a director with the Downtown Business Improvement Association, and Sto:lo Community futures. These hands-on community experiences compelled me to step-up, and bring to Chilliwack-Hope the kind Parliamentary leadership we deserve.
As your MP, I will continue building relationships with our City Councils, the Province, First Nations, and community groups. I will bring Chilliwack-Hope to Ottawa, and stop imposing Ottawa’s disconnected message on us. Together we can identify community objectives that prioritize funding based on need, not based on patronage, or ideology. The Liberal vision is to return the values that make Canada a proud, united country; such as, Fairness for All Families, Greater Access to Education, Affordable Healthcare, Open and Transparent Government, Environmental Protection, Unmuzzled Scientists, and Humanitarian Aid. Strong, vocal representation happens when active community members step-up.

Alexander Johnson (Libertarian)

You should cast your ballot for me if you believe you should have the freedom to be responsible and want a stronger community. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why can’t the government do something about this?”, then you should vote for me because I want us to ask ourselves “What can I do to help this?”. Too often do we pass the burden to someone else and expect the results we want.
If you want someone to tell you what to do, to convince you that you should be giving them more power so that you can be more free, if you believe that Canadians should be fighting over seas to protect us at home, if you believe that attacking ISIS and killing civilians is acceptable and business as usual, if you think the Government should be giving corporations free money, if you want people to go to jail for experimenting with their own flesh and bone, if you believe Canadians should be siding with Israel over the Palestinians or vice versa, then you should not vote for me.

Seonaigh Macpherson (NDP)

As a Department Head at the University of the Fraser Valley, I have a proven record serving the economic and social development of Chilliwack-Hope. I chose to run with New Democrats under Mulcair because they offer a trustworthy, transparent pathway for change with sound fiscal management. This pathway includes policies like stable annual $1.5 billion infrastructure support; small business tax relief; affordable quality daycare; support for seniors; respect for First Nations; environmental protections; and a green energy plan. With 30 years of experience in local, regional, national and international organizations, I am positioned to play a strong role in the next New Democrat government in Ottawa, where I will bring integrity to government and a respected voice for Chilliwack-Hope. The NDP is the only viable party positioned to defeat the Conservative incumbent. For these reasons, a vote for the NDP in Chilliwack-Hope is a vote for change you can trust.

Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell (Marxist-Leninist)

I have spent my youth and adult life as an anti-war activist, and worked for democratic renewal of the political process. I am a lawyer with experience defending poor and working class people. I represented my party MLPC as intervenor in the Charter challenge to the electoral law (Figueroa). To vote Marxist-Leninist is a strong statement that you are demanding democratic renewal, increased investments in social programmes and an anti-war government.

Mark Strahl (Conservative)

I am asking for your support because I have kept my promises to you as your MP and have been a strong voice for you in Ottawa.? I have worked hard to secure significant federal investments in local infrastructure projects, including the $19 million RCMP training facilities at Education Park and the $12.5 million Vedder Bridge in Chilliwack, to highlight just a few.??As Conservatives, we balanced the budget as promised, while at the same time increasing funding for things like health care.??Our Conservative government provided significant financial support and tax relief to families and seniors, got tough on dangerous criminals and made Canadians proud on the world stage.??Thomas Mulcair’s economic policies would cripple Canada’s fragile economy. Justin Trudeau is just not ready to lead.  Now, more than ever, Canada needs the strong, proven leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.??On October 19th,vote Conservative and re-elect Mark Strahl.


You can follow the initiative online at their Facebook page HERE