YouTube via Adbusters
YouTube via Adbusters

(Submitted by Alison Bailey) It’s a pretty shocking image — even for an attack ad: someone spitting on the Canadian flag.

Just one day after we warned you the election campaign was going to get nastier, the latest volley against Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has been released, and it isn’t coming from any of the opposition parties.

The ad features a man spitting on a flag sewn onto a woman’s bag.

Adbusters says that is based on an actual incident that happened at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.

“What happened?” the man says. “You used to be the good ones.”

The narrator declares, “He was right.”

The ad also shows images of a country that has gone from achievements to be proud of, to a kind of police state that is wreaking havoc on the environment.

“I used to be proud of my country,” the narrator laments, “we have come a long way together, but lately we’ve been led astray. And the world now sees us for what we’ve become.”

You may have seen messages from Adbusters before; it’s an organization known for arrestive, controversial spots.

This one is part of a larger campaign that aims to interrupt mainstream media with ads.

Adbusters has bought ten time slots for it on CBC’s “The National.”