I just came back from an AMAZING Road Trip to see the National Parks in Canada! Here are a few highlights from the trip!

lake louise

Lake Louise, she sure is pretty!

bear aware

They really don’t want you to feed the bears!


Ponchos may not be a thing anymore, but I will wear them with my rubber boots to stay dry!

selfie stick

When you don’t own a selfie stick, and still want to take good pictures together, you improvise!

This was made from a dog throwing stick (like the one attached to the ball, and some tape! 😉 )

glacier walk

Mountains/Glaciers, they sure are pretty! 🙂


And this is the LARGEST dragonfly ever (maybe just in Canada, I might need to re-check my facts!) and how could you not stop at it?!

Also A BIG thanks to the best Road Trip Companion ever, Shaun!

There’s nothing like a great summer Road Trip if you ask me!