IYD-2015Today is International Youth Day, a day to take a closer look at issues affecting young people. This year is all about civic engagement, and Sabine Mendez with Chilliwack Healthier Community has a message for young people.

“Look for those opportunities to become involved in something, whether it’s in your school, your church, a local club…become involved and put all of yourself into it.  I think it’s one of the biggest things for young people, to feel like they belong to a group, and if that group is doing good work in the community it’s definitely worth your time.”

Mendez says Youth Day will be recognized here locally.

“There is a group called VOYCE (Voice of Youth for Community Engagement).  It’s a new society, and they are going to be doing a hot dog fundraiser at the downtown Save-On Foods (11am-3pm).  They are all well versed in the theme of youth civic engagement.  They’re really encouraging people to come by and listen to the youth.  They want to speak to their community.”

She says every community has options in terms of groups kids can join, and when they feel they’re helping and making a difference, they’re much more likely to follow a better path in life.