Mark Strahl HeadshotMark Strahl is running for re-election because he believes in serving the public.
Mark and his wife, Lisa, have been married since 1999, and the love of their lives is their 10 year old son. Mark was born and raised in Chilliwack, and he and Lisa love living, working and raising their family here.
Mark was elected to the House of Commons on May 2, 2011. He has served on the Standing Committee on Health; Standing Committee on National Defence; Joint Standing Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations; and the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.
At 37, Mark is the youngest Member of Parliament for British Columbia; however, he has been promoted by the Prime Minister twice since his election. First, he was named the Chair of the British Columbia/Yukon Conservative Caucus, which allowed him to bring the concerns of British Columbia MPs, citizens and stakeholders directly to the Prime Minister. After proving himself in that role, the Prime Minister promoted Mark to the position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, which sees him leading the Committee, responding to questions in Question Period, handling media responsibilities, and acting on behalf of the Minister.
Mark believes that this election is about security: securing a strong economy by promoting growth, keeping taxes low and giving parents choice in how they raise their families; securing our homes and neighbourhoods by cracking down on violent crime and putting the rights of victims first; securing our future as a society and country by addressing the direct threat that jihadi terrorism poses to Canada and the world; and providing strong leadership on the world stage.
Only Prime Minister Stephen Harper and a strong, stable, national Conservative government can provide this type of security to all Canadians, and that’s why Mark is asking for your vote on October 19th.