sick at workApparently I’m not Wonder Woman (no amount of wishing will make it happen) and my voice has gone on strike. It was the right move to take Tuesday off work sick but looks like I rushed the return yesterday. By 9am it was clear my voice was not going to co-operate so I called it a day. Fast forward to this morning and I feel (for the most part) almost normal…except for my voice. Doh! Looks like it would’ve been a better idea to have stayed home yesterday too and then been back in fine form sooner. So…here I sit…quieted but working…behind the scenes and feeling more than a little frustrated with this wonky voice that is holding me back from doing what I really want to do. Spend my morning with you!

So…the big question…have I learned my lesson? I guess only time will tell (so maybe in the next 6 to 18 months…whenever I get my next cold…I should read this and remind myself to be a little kinder to this mere mortal body I live in. Apparently it has a few limits!)

In the meantime…I sit with my small collection of remedies and cold aids. (Not pictured…the honey and lemon as it’s a little harder to use away from home…and the soup I brought for lunch.)