OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStacks of personal documents and food donations testified to the continued success of the community Shred-a-Thon held this past Saturday at Cottonwood Mall in Chilliwack.
Hosted by Emterra, and co-sponsored by the City, Cottonwood Mall and Shred-It, residents brought in personal documents and paperwork to have them shredded and recycled free of charge.
Organizers estimate that more than 5440 kgs of personal documents were brought for secure and confidential destruction.
Over $2,000 was collected in cash donations which Emterra matched, bringing the total cash donation to the Salvation Army to over $4,000. Attendees also generously donated 363 kgs of non-perishable food, which the Salvation Army will use to help feed local individuals and families.

“From piles of paper to mounds of food donations, the community Shred-a-Thon was a great success,” said Emterra’s Chilliwack Operations Manager, Paul Knight. “Our collective efforts will ensure that more paper will be reused, and that local residents and families will get the support they need.”