
Be careful the next time you want to cheer on your children. At least if you’re in Mississippi.

A parent dreams of watching their child walk across the stage of their high-school graduation to accept their diploma. The emotion may even lead a parent to shout in support of their child and show their pride. However in Senatobia Mississippi that is frowned upon to the point that charges of disturbing the peace have been filed against 3 parents.

When Superintendent Jay Foster told the audience at Senatobia (Missisippi) High School’s recent graduation ceremony not to cheer as each grad walked across the stage, he wasn’t messing around. He instructed school security to eject any overzealous kin–and then pressed charges against three of them. The trio now face misdemeanor charges of disturbing the peace that carry a maximum punishment of six months in jail and a $500 fine. Henry Walker, who is among the accused, called his charge “ridiculous,” and says all he did was shout, “You did it baby!” when a relative received her diploma. You can read more on the story from the NY Times here.

Is this an awful practice or a good idea to keep crowds in check? When have you embarrassed your child with your over-enthusiasm?