kylemschwartz-e1430404786943-878x494(Submitted by Simon Druker and Martin Macmahon) A Colorado teacher’s approach to how she got her students to open up about their problems gained attention across the US and Canada last week.

Kyle Schwartz left a box with the message “I wish my teacher knew” on it. Students then filled in the rest of the message.

The box was soon filled with sad stories.

Responses included “I wish my teacher knew I don’t have pencils at home to do my homework,” and “I wish my teacher knew my reading log is not signed because my mom is not around a lot.”

Psychologist Dr. Joti Samra says the idea is one worth exploring.

“This certainly can be an effective way to get children to disclose something that they might not otherwise be doing. What we need to appreciate is that the common factors that are going to lead someone to disclose are trust and connection to the person they are disclosing to. This is why many students, even when they’re giving the chance to disclose anonymously, choose to associate their name with their disclosure.”

Many teachers can be timid, not wanting to bring home life into the classroom. But Samra says teachers are often the only ones students will open up to.

“The role that teachers play for students, it’s a very important role for many children, particularly ones that may be coming from a family background where they’re not having that level of trust or support with someone. Teachers end up being in the role that they’re the first or only person to learn of quite difficult circumstances that a student may be having.”

Samra says teachers should be supported when it comes to the larger idea of encouraging students to open up about issues they face at home.

“I think there’s absolutely a lot of value in us thinking about putting some dedicated effort in helping support teachers to be able to support students in the way they need to.”