promontoryThere is going to be a community meeting for Promontory residents tonight. Mayor Sharon Gaetz says the city was invited by Henry Weins and the Promontory Residents Association.

“He wrote me a note asking me to come up with some council members and just chat….we’ll have a little community meeting, put the coffee on and ask questions about things that are going on in Promontory.  He underlined a couple of the things they wanted to talk about…I’m sure there will be others…but he specifically wanted to know about the Prest Rd widening and roundabouts as well as the bike lanes.  Where is Promontory in terms of a timeline for widening and what are any obstacles holding it up?”

They will also likely be discussing local parks and trails.  Gaetz expects one issue that will come up is around a recent incident where a tree house that kids were using on city land was taken down because of liability issues.  She says the city wants to make it right.

“We have some parks and we have some playground equipment (up there) but apparently not enough.  We will work hard to try and create some more recreational activities for kids, and I know our staff have been talking about whether it would be possible to do something like this that would be safe…to create a play structure for kids that might be a little more challenging.”

There will also be RCMP there if people have questions or concerns about local policing. The meeting is at 7pm at the Promontory Community School.